Perihelion Pressures ~ 13 March 2011

Did you feel it when Mars hit his perihelion degree and breezed by on the 9th (14:07 GMT)? This heliocentric marker seemed to be the official kick off to the Mars-Jupiter-Eris plan for turning the world on its ear, then setting things right. The Sun is doing his part. Solar activity has been supercharged and potent of late. And on the 9th, consistent with archives of research on Mars and his dramatic relationship to solar activity, another significant eruption occurred on the Sun which reached Earth on the 10th. Certainly the Pacific Rim has lit up with a collection of large-massive earthquakes. Is this attributable to the perihelia transits in play?

Is that what happened in Wisconsin when legislators allegedly ignored rules to cast a vote stripping unions of power (intended to be rhetorical)? Legislators evidently reacted to Mars and pushed through a vote, ignoring the protests of one solitary assemblyman. As noted in a recent GT, the state of Wisconsin lies right under the path of locality lines of the Mars-Jupiter-Eris conjunction coming up at the end of April. Also falling under another locality line of this trinity’s line up is southwestern China where a mid-Richter range, but deadly, earthquake shook up the region near Myanmar the day following Mars’ perihelion. Stock markets in the U.S., largely driven by oil speculators, nervously hops like a Mexican jumping bean, seeking to extract one last bit of profit out of Pluto’s domain (oil forms in Pluto’s realm). Asian markets react to the effects of the devastating earthquake in Japan. Add all this to political upheaval in the Middle East and it seems the platter of things to ponder for most Earthlings stands heaped full.

How about you personally? Does the feeling that life might change quickly and presumably in the direction of evolution weaken your knees even slightly?

Later this week Jupiter reaches his perihelion and at virtually the same time (one arc minute of heliocentric longitude separates Jupiter’s and Makemake’s perihelia from one another) crosses where dwarf planet Makemake would be closest to the Sun. Makemake now in Virgo, is more than half of his orbital period of roughly 306 years away from his perihelion. Even with a belly full of spirulina and organic chow immune from genetic engineering, most of us won’t live long enough to see that. We can only hope Jupiter’s perihelia crossing warning flares are heeded, optimistically in the short term.

Here’s a capsule of the effects noted so far of Jupiter’s contact to his perihelion and that of Makemake:

Jupiter to his own perihelion

Charlie Sheen seeks to write a new philosophy of winning and applies a markedly excessive Jupiterian lifestyle to support it. Recall efforts have fired up in many states, seeking to right what many believe to be political wrong doing. We shall see what Jupiter thinks about it all and perhaps those states under the line of the Mars-Jupiter-Eris alignment deserve more scrutiny. Political strife (a keyword of Eris) continues on the continent of Africa and into other Middle Eastern countries promising changes which remain unclear. Pretty much each person on the planet, at some level of consciousness, seeks dramatic and decisive changes to get this thing called life heading toward refreshed and optimized aspirations.

Jupiter applies a personal philosophy check. What do you believe is going to happen? How do you believe your goals, affirmations and propitiation renderings are met? Are your beliefs consistent with the results you seek - or claim to seek - in life? If not, how about conducting one of those “I get to be wrong about” exercises? Here one would write down all the thoughts that get in the way. Examples of flawed concept: “Someone younger, wittier, smarter, more connected always gets the job” or “People with the most money always get what they want.”

Write down thoughts that do not align with your goals. Then, tear up the list, bury it, burn it, or deep six it. After, take time to construct an affirmation list or creed that suits your greatest aspirations. Something like “When my talents are demonstrated, they are seen for their merit and applied in the best way possible.” It makes a world of difference. Remembering that Jupiter and Eris are still six weeks away from turning the sky on its ear for the world to witness and comprehend, a modicum of patience tempers any pressure of immediacy one might apply to magical unfoldment following freshly uttered affirmations.

Jupiter to the perihelion of Makemake

For one thing, this pattern works to shatter the illusion that in order for the global economy to grow and improve prosperity for all, there exists a need for more consumers, thus the projection that prolific breeding is the way to go. Ah, not so much anymore. Once lots of kids were needed to ensure the legacy of the family went on. But in the “make more consumers model” the resources of the planet soon shall be exhausted. One possible answer is already in place: create disposable, expendable, soon to be upgraded product lines. How many couches or dining room tables does a person buy in two decades? Contrast that with how many mobile phones, cordless phones, computers, iPads, iPods, video gaming devices a person buys in twenty years. The next step of the solutions should be that companies manufacturing such devices must be able to recycle the disposable products safely. This whole thing of dumping electronic devices containing highly toxic components on poor countries in Africa is hardly an earth-wise decision.

On the more personal front, there should be a strange, inner stirring that urges you to go to your local ecological shoe store to get your carbon footprint resized. Are you green? Do you eat local grown and consume healthy foods? Are you enraged about the extinction of species? Does hunting for sport rile your sensibilities? Do you have concerns about having sufficient elbow room or is the dwindling space of earth starting to feel like a middle seat on a discount airline? Are you an inhabitant of this planet and concerned for it’s well-being and connection to celestial sources overhead or not?

The people of Rapa Nui, Easter Island, declared their land the “navel of the world.” In fact, Rapa Nui is really close to being under the Galactic Center. How did they know that? Do you have an instinct not only of your relationship to Earth, but the heavens above? If not, perhaps it’s time to contemplate the navel and figure out your GPS and your GPS - that’s global positioning setting and your galactic positioning setting.

There’s another thing going on, too. Why are crazies coming out of the woodwork? There’s Khadaffi (however it is spelled), Mubarak, Charlie Sheen, talk show pundits and all those people in your life doing the strangest damn things that cause observers to do some serious head scratching.

So why is all this nuts stuff happening? I’m thinking it has to do with the yet unnamed body (minor planet number 225088) that astronomers assigned the working title of Snow White. She currently stands at 1 Pisces 38 and recently enjoyed the first visitation of Chiron. Once Neptune enters Pisces, and for a leisurely and lingering interval of time, he seeks out this planet. The node of this dwarf planet lies in early Pisces. Over the next years, this dwarf planet’s node will be transited by Chiron, Neptune and also by itself. The planet’s perihelion lies in early Libra. The Pisces-Libra dynamic seeks to surface any relational situations involving potential codependence, spiritually unhealthy activities and wants to heal false accusations, antipathy and general discord.

The first outer body transit to this planet’s dynamics comes from that of the healer Chiron. One of the Chironic messages suggests that one release that which causes pain. Appeal to Jupiter and offer propitiation, affirmation and aspiration that please him, so as he did with Chiron, the method for relieving long-standing issues can be revealed.

Neptune next crosses the node of this object. Here, disengaging from activities that do not contribute to soulful well-being and personal acceptance seems to be the key. Perhaps this is a bit of let-the-ethers-handle-it drill. Issue an intent for clearing, healing, uplifting and then do nothing to muck it up. The degree of Snow White’s perihelion - her most urgent message - lies on the Super Galactic Center. This contact suggests there is a natural and willing attraction between those of common soul cause and an instinctive repulsion from those who do not match with your nature. The SGC inspires people to perform releasing exercises, clearing ceremonies and inspires the untangling of contracts, commitments and transactions that bind. Conversely, when alliances appear that suit one’s nature, get onboard.

Derivatives of the clearing and aligning theme can be found with Chiron who seeks to heal wounds of acceptance and approval. Eris bears a kinship as she clears the need to be included even when not wanted, and then seeks out soul matches in which all parties agree upon the match. Haumea also contributes with her agenda of clearing energy zapping entourages and shunning those who fan the fires of personal vanity. Haumea endorses finding and working with your soul group.

Snow White receives strong reenforcement from the Super-Galactic Center to help a person define does this person/place/situation form a neat fit or do the guts rumble in soul-inspired protest? Remember the childhood game of all but one forming a circle and the outsider must try to wriggle in? That’s a Chiron, Eris, Haumea, Snow White combo. Know where you fit. Know where you don’t. Extricate your being, energy and psyche from discordant situations and avoid the urge to force a fit. The closing scene of the movie Social Network neatly represents this idea. There, Facebook’s founder is portrayed as sending an estranged former girlfriend a friend request on his Internet sensation. Then, he clicks refresh again and again. As if the ex-girlfriend would be online and waiting his request for rekindling.

With the Chiron to Snow White setting up Neptune’s transit to follow, and with the support of Eris and Haumea, people seek aspiration, upliftment, helpful allies and stories that inspire all to invoke the present promise of Jupiter’s passage to two perihelia. Allow for the laws of galactic gravitation to be your soulful guide. In doing so, situations, events and people flow into your path that serve your agendas.

More soon as Mars and Jupiter take celestial steps to seek out Eris.